Perfect Dark

Genre: Action , Adventure
Publisher: Rare, Ltd.
Year: 22 Mai 2000

Joanna Dark is an agent for the Carrington Institute, a secret organization funded by anonymous sources and dedicated to protecting the world. Through their highly trained operatives and special devices (gadgets), Carrington keeps an eye on terrorists, world powers, and strange happenings. The speed in which the dataDyne corporation has established itself through the development of new technologies is starting to worry the institute. So when Carrington receives a message from Dr. Caroll, a scientist wishing to escape dataDyne, they send their best agent, Joanna, to infiltrate the company headquarters... Perfect Dark is a first person game similar to Rare's earlier Goldeneye: 007 though with more of an emphasis on stealth. Joanna can pick up and use a variety of firearms. In addition she carries quite a few spy gadgets such as IR scanners, night vision, probes, and a deadly laptop.

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