Super Smash Bros.

Publisher: Nintendo Co., Ltd.
Year: 21 Jan 1999

Super Smash Brothers takes familiar Nintendo characters such as Mario , Kirby and Donkey Kong , and gets them to fight to the death. There are 8 fully-interactive landscapes, with one for each character, with noticeable links to their games. Controls are analogue-based, with different moves executed depending on how firmly the stick is pressed. The game uses a fixed viewpoint which scrolls, although characters are rendered in 3D. The one-player mode has 14 stages to work through. Each character has his own special move. Up to 4 human players can do battle at once, with team play as well as all-against-all action. Hidden characters are thrown in for good measure, as are bonus rounds, and a battle to the end with a giant hand (you read right).

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